The chill up and down my body. That moment, frozen in time. My heart literally stopping....
It was all there... when I saw him. The feeling that my dad said that I should have... it was there. The overwhelming feeling that this guy.... actually noticed me... it's amazing. The pure warmth that I get when I kiss him, or he kisses me.... It's irreplaceable. When we first locked eyes.... it was indescribable. I felt as if our souls were connected... as if he was looking right at my heart and knew me, and I him.
Here I am. 10 months later. It's as if none of that happened yet I can feel the scars in every thought I have now. My mind is blown at how fast it caught fire and then extinguished. Maybe it was extinguished for him, but certainly not for me. Every time I see his name, see his face, my heart does something weird. Something it's never done before with anyone else. How am I suppose to move on fully when this keeps happening? How long am I suppose to pray for healing and for God to take away this pain I feel? This feeling is deeper than anything I've ever experienced. I can hardly tell what kind of feeling it is anyway. I can't tell if this is love, or hurt, or a broken heart. Maybe that's what this is. I have a broken heart. Every time I thought I had one before, none of those compare to this time. Maybe it was because of how intense everything was and what all happened. Maybe it's because I never expected to be here. Maybe I'm still in shock and I've no idea how to deal with the feelings I'm having.All I truly know is this. He ruined me. Completely. I don't know if I'll ever be able to love anyone fully without thinking of him. It's unfair. To anyone in the future, and to me, forever. I don't know how to come back from this. I've been trying for the longest time. But I know if he looked at me again, as he once did before, into my soul, I would fall. Just as before. There is nothing I can do.

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